Ti Point Reptile Park
27 Ti Point Road, Leigh
Phone: 09 422 6021
Email: enquiries@reptilepark.co.nz
- Adults $20
- Seniors $15
- Schoolchildren $10
- Family pass – 2 adults and 2 schoolchildren $50
- Preschoolers no charge
- Open Daily 10am to 5pm
- New Zealand’s only reptile park
- Tuatara, alligator, turtles and more
- For an animal to be classed as a reptile it must have scales, be cold blooded and obtain its oxygen from the air. Reptiles living at the present time are classified in four types, Crocodilia [crocodiles and alligators] Squamata [lizards and snakes] Chelonia [tortoises and turtles] and Rhynchocephalia [tuataras]. With the exception of snakes (forbidden by law in New Zealand) and sea turtles, the Reptile Park has representatives from all four types. Visit us and discover more!