Leigh News & Events

Dr John Egenes
Aug 10 @ 7:00 pm

Dr. John Egenes will play a full concert at Whangateau Hall.  Originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, John is a multi-instrumentalist, producer, songwriter, saddlemaker, author and senior lecturer of contemporary music at Otago University. John spent decades on the American folk scene, as a session musician for countless artists. John stumbles through this life making mistake after mistake. His motto is, “You don’t learn anything from your successes…”

Leigh Community Preschool Gala

Discover what’s under the sea at Leigh Community Preschool Gala
Leigh Preschool Gala will be an event filled day with magic, bouncy castles, raffles, pre-loved treasures, a photo booth and lots of marine life. Joy for all members of the family with gourmet food, a selection of drinks and live music.
Leigh Preschool is passionate about the marine environment and this year there will be a Marine Discovery Station with interactive displays and a touch tank. The Leigh Marine Laboratory and local artist have come together to create a beautiful under water environment.
Leigh Preschool Gala will be held on the 27th October, Labour weekend Sunday from 10am to 4pm at Leigh School Fields. The money raised will be used to upgrade Preschool’s outdoor space. 
For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/2396867390527765/